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Name: Luana Lobo
Area of work: Screenwriting, Production, Distribution, Marketing
Edition: 2023
City: São Paulo
State: São Paulo
City of origin: Volta Redonda

Producer, partner, and co-CEO at Maria Farinha Films, a leading production company in Latin America dedicated to impact entertainment.

Luana has overseen production and distribution deals and is responsible for business and impact strategies. MFF has created more than 50 films, series, and other formats that have reached audiences on mainstream platforms worldwide. The hit drama series 'Aruanas' (Globo/Globoplay), reached an average of 30 million viewers per episode, becoming a worldwide Twitter trending topic. 'A Crime Among Us' reached 23 million people in the first week of its debut. Among other productions are the franchise 'The Beginning of Life' 1 and 2 (Netflix) and 'Way Beyond Weight' (PrimeVideo). Luana supervises, articulates, and co-creates strategies together with platforms, activists, artists, and socio-environmental organizations companies engaged in social change, in a network of more than 100 global impact partners. She also co-created with Val Munduruku, Flavia Borges and Mazi Rodrigues, a sensitive reading method to guarantee inclusive narratives from development to marketing and distribution campaigns.

Luana was awarded a fellowship to attend the EAVE+ 2023, in Luxembourg.