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Name: Juliana Guanais
Area of work: Screenwriting, Editing
Edition: 2023
City: Salvador
State: Bahia
E-mail: [email protected]

Juliana Guanais was born in Salvador, Brasil. She graduated in Communication and then migrated to cinema through at NYU (New York University). She also studied film theory at Denis-Diderot University, Paris VII and screenwriting at CEFPF (Centre Européen de Formation à la Production de Films). She lived abroad for 16 years (4 in Rome and 12 in Paris), a formative experience that provided her with a rich cultural and professional experience. She has been working for over 20 years as an editor, accumulating experience with dramatic narratives. Her latest works as editor are: "Babenco, someone has to listen to the heart and say stop"; "Terruá Pará"; "Todas por uma"; "A Matriarca and A mulher fantasma", among others. Her first fiction script for a feature film "Cidade Vermelha" emerged in the process of her return to Brazil. The film addresses themes such as origins, ancestry, decolonization, injustice and social inequality, as well as the beauty and power of her hometown.

Juliana is the editor of feature film "The Ghost Woman" selected for First Cut Lab Paradiso Brazil's second edition.