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Name: Julia Alves
Area of work: Production
Edition: 2023
City: São Paulo
State: São Paulo
City of origin: Jaboticabal

Master in Cultural Heritage, Landscapes and Citizenship at Universidade Federal de Viçosa and Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique) and graduated in Audiovisual Studies from ECA-USP, Julia Alves works as producer, with focus on arthouse films and international coproductions. Among her recent works are PRIVATE FOOTAGE, by Janaína Nagata (IDFA 2022 - The Beeld & Geluid Reframe Award), THE DELINQUENTS, by Rodrigo Moreno (Festival de Cannes 2023 – Un Certain Regard), and THE BURITI FLOWER, by Renée Nader Messora and João Salaviza, winner of the Ensemble Prize at Festival de Cannes 2023, ALL THAT YOU COULD BE, by Ricardo Alves Jr. (Festival do Rio 2023 – Best Director) and NEIRUD, by Fernanda Faya (Olhar de Cinema 2023 – Best Film). From 2021 to 2024, Julia collaborated with the Portuguese production company OUBLAUM FILMES in projects coproduced with Mozambique, France, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, The Netherlands, Singapore and Taiwan. In 2024, after nine years ahead of productions at Sancho&Punta, she created QUARTA-FEIRA FILMES, an independent production company specialized on arthouse productions and international partnerships.

Julia was awarded a fellowship to attend the EAVE Producers Workshop, in Luxembourg.