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Name: Amanda Kadobayashi
Area of work: Production, Distribution
Edition: 2022
City: São Paulo
State: São Paulo
City of origin: Maringá
E-mail: [email protected]

Amanda Kadobayashi is a film producer and currently works as Content Coordinator at Vitrine Filmes/ Manequim. She was involved in the Brazilian distribution of the Academy Award winner "Druk" and "Alemão 2", among others. She is also one of the creators of "Vitrine Lab", an online course about film distribution, already in its third edition. In 2020, was selected to be part of Locarno Industry Academy Panama, and in 2022 was invited to be part of Locarno U30. At Bubbles Project, she was involved in the production of the features "Loveling", by Gustavo Pizzi (Sundance); "A Family Submerged", by María Alché, (San Sebastian) and "Pendular" by Julia Murat (Berlinale). In 2013, while still in college, she won the Crackle Latin America's fund for universities and co-directed and produced the short film "Operação Chorume". By the same initiative she also produced the feature documentary "Maré Leste" by Daniel Soares. She holds a degree in Film Studies from Fluminense Federal University.

Amanda was awarded a fellowship to attend the Locarno Pro U30, em 2022.