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Name: Janaína Marques
Area of work: Directing
Edition: 2022
City: Brasília
State: Distrito Federal
E-mail: [email protected]

Janaína Marques is a director, graduated in film direction at Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV (EICTV-Cuba) and postgraduate in Film Industry Management at Carlos III University, in Spain. Among her films, “Los Minutos, Las Horas” stands out, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival (2010). She also directed and scripted the film “Madrid” (2014), screened in more than 20 countries by Instituto Cervantes. In her career, she won awards at several festivals, such as Cannes, Clermont Ferrand, San Sebastian, Cuba, Saint Petersburg and Biarritz and Munich. In 2022, she works in the post-production of her first feature film "Amores Paraguaios" and is preparing to direct "Fortaleza Paraíso".

Janaína is the director of "Paraguayan Loves", a feature film selected for the First Cut Lab Paradiso Brazil 2022, an online consultancy program designed for fiction feature films in early editing phase.