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Name: Rubian Melo
Area of work: Production
Edition: 2023
City: Salvador
State: BA
City of origin: Rio de Janeiro
E-mail: [email protected]

Rubian Melo is a producer and journalist with an MBA in Business Administration, a specialist in planning and managing communication, audiovisual and film projects and is part of the Nicho Executiva 2023 program. She has worked as a business assistant and communications advisor, as an executive project consultant, as an executive production assistant, and is currently an executive producer at Saturnema Filmes. With experience in planning and developing audiovisual projects for TV, WEB, Streaming and Cinema, she has worked as a curator on projects in development for Globo Filmes and Gloob, and on products shown on vehicles such as Lifetime, Fashion TV, Music Box, Travel Box, Prime Box Brasil and Amazon Prime. He has worked on the feature films "A Mensageira", "A Matriarca", "Cartas para: o filme", "As Caixas" and "Tempo da Faca", as well as on more than 20 series. She has taught executive production masterclasses at institutes such as USP, Lab Negras Narrativas, Instituto de Cinema, Univille, and has been a project consultant at Fera Lab and Nordeste Lab.

In 2023, Rubian received the Paradiso Award at NICHO Executiva, and became part of the Talent Network.