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Name: Giovanni Rizzo Netto
Area of work: Directing, Screenwriting
Edition: 2021
City: São Paulo
State: São Paulo
E-mail: [email protected]

Giovanni Rizzo Netto, has a degree in filmmaking, works as a writer, director and researcher. Wrote and directed three short films ("Um Bolo para os inocentes", "Ovo" and "A Terapia"), a music-video ("Camisa 10") and web-series for channels such as TV Uol, Através // TV (Bossa Nova Films) and Cinevitor. He started his audiovisual career as a film critic, collaborating with many sites and on-line magazines, writing reviews, articles and coverage for important film festivals. He was a producer and curator for the "One Minute Festival" and organized training courses in audiovisual material for teachers in the public school system of São Paulo. Nowadays he is dedicated to scripts and writing for on-line projects and family friendly shows such as "The stories of Jose Comelon", an animated series with over one million views. He is developing his feature-film, "About vinyls, friends and my old neighborhood", semifinalist on the IX FRAPA and selected to the Cine Qua Non Lab in Mexico.

In 2021, Giovanni was awarded a fellowship to the Taller de Revisión de Guión en Español of Cine Qua Non Lab in Mexico.