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Name: João Saldanha
Area of work: Production, Distribution
Edition: 2023
City: São Paulo
State: São Paulo
City of origin: São Paulo
E-mail: [email protected]

Post-graduated in Production Management and Audiovisual Business from FAAP, João Saldanha has a degree in Public Administration, with a complementary degree in International Relations from FGV São Paulo. He works at the production and distribution company Boulevard Filmes, having participated as executive assistant in films such as "Searching for Makunaíma" (Best Film at the Brasília Film Festival - 2020); "Libelu - Down with the Dictatorship" (Best Documentary at the It's All True - International Documentary Film Festival - 2020); and "Lunch Break" (Best Short Film 54th Brasília Film Festival). He is also currently part of the Vitrine Filmes production team. On the distribution, he worked on the release of different titles, such as “King Car”, “Beyond the Legend”, “Açúcar” and “Lane 4”. He was also part of the conception of the Workshop "Audience Design - Who are your Audiences?", a formative action aimed at stimulating and spreading knowledge about audiovisual distribution. In 2022 he participated in the São Paulo Locarno Industry Academy, a workshop for professionals in the distribution segment, and in 2023 he was invited to participate in the U30, a Locarno Film Festival program focused on emerging professionals.

Saldanha was awarded a fellowship to Locarno U30, in 2023.