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Name: Stefani Mota
Area of work: Screenwriting
Edition: 2022
City: São Paulo
State: São Paulo
City of origin: Paranaguá
E-mail: [email protected]

Screenwriter graduated from Roteiraria and Actress graduated from CPT - Antunes Filho Theater Research Center. She wrote the shorts “Loucura de Amor, Telemensagens” - Awarded in the Best Character category at V ROTA, the short “Things You Only See When They Break” and the short “Deise” finalist at VI Rota as Best Female Protagonist. His first feature “Deise” was developed in the laboratory of the NPA - Nucleus of Audiovisual Projects of Curitiba, coordinated by Daniel Tavares and in Doctoring with Pedro Reinato, at Roteiraria. The film also received the Cabiria Screenplay Award in 2022.

Stefani received the Paradiso Award at Cabíria Award 2022 for Best Film Script with "Deise"