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Name: Zita Carvalhosa
Area of work: Production
Edition: 2022
City: São Paulo
State: São Paulo

Producer at the independent production company Superfilmes based in São Paulo since 1983 ( Working with a new generation of Brazilian filmmakers, has produced independent features, documentaries and short films awarded in Brazil and abroad. Among the features: Carvão (Charcoal) By Carolina Markowicz, Tinnitus and Obra by Gregório Graziosi, A Casa de Alice (Alice’s House) by Chico Teixeira, Urbânia (Return), by Flávio Frederico; Tônica Dominante by Lina Chamie; Anjos Da Noite (Nigth Angels) by Wilson Barros and the features documentaries: O Trem da Utopia (A Train to Utopia) by Beth Sá Freire and Fabrizio Mambro; Fotografação (Brazil in Pictures) by Lauro Escorel; Vale a Pena Sonhar (Worthwhile Deam) by Stela Ferraz e Rudi Bohm, Um Homem de Moral ( A Man of Moral) by Ricardo Dias; À Margem do Concreto (On the Fringes of São Paulo: Squatting) by Evaldo Mocarzel. She is the founder and director of the Sao Paulo Int Short Film Festival.

Zita is the producer of "TINNITUS", a feature film selected for the First Cut Lab Paradiso Brazil 2022, an online consultancy program designed for fiction feature films in early editing phase.